Airtel XStream Play uses QuestDB for real-time analytics
Airtel XStream Play uses QuestDB to track engagement and device metrics for their video media streaming service.
Airtel XStream Play
Airtel XStream Play leverages QuestDB's powerful real-time analytics capabilities to handle the high throughput and provide the required insights. Data duplication ensures clean data-in. That means clean insights out.
create table IF NOT EXISTS content_analytics_ (ts TIMESTAMP,ua TIMESTAMP,ca TIMESTAMP,ContentId SYMBOL CAPACITY 50000 CACHE,StreamingPartnerId SYMBOL CAPACITY 500 CACHE,TotalRequestIds long,TotalUserIds long,SegmentCount long,TotalFileSize long) timestamp(ts) PARTITION BY DAY;
Deep observability with SQL time-series extensions
Airtel XStream Play uses QuestDB for analytics and insights with high throughput. Whether performing device analytics or tracking user behaviour, QuestDB handles the data volume. Content creators know what is resonating, and the team can make informed decisions.
"QuestDB changed our analytics game by providing real-time insights and handling massive data effortlessly."
QuestDB architecture for Airtel
Airtel XStream Play takes advantage of QuestDB's scalability, connecting applications via protocols optimized for ingestion and querying. Behind a series of queues, QuestDB handles millions of rows per days and thousands of requests per second.